Today marks the official start of my Caribbean Holiday.
Men wear black suits without lapels or buttons, shirts in white or blue mostly, black suspenders, black shoes or boots and broad-brimmed hats in black felt or natural straw. Women wear a frock type dress of mid-calf to ankle length with black stockings, an apron, black shoes or boots, black cape, and either a white "prayer cap" (if baptized) or a black hood.
Leave it to the fashion industry to celebrate a culture with a unique flare.
Early predictions say this trend is set to be huge next season with various big name designers and Vogue Italia's 09 front cover having a definite Amish theme. It's all high neck dresses, chunky black shoes and aprons as the Amish look gets ready to take next season by storm.
Vogue Italia dedicated a whole center spread to the Amish look and even used items made by a authentic Amish clothes maker (Plainly Dressed) for the shoot.
Kobe Bryant even appeared Amish styled in a recent fashion.
Stay Stylish and Remember to Celebrate Individually!
In New York alone, over 1,000 participants have already signed on to join in the event. Across the country stores in over 100 cities will celebrate on September 10.
My favorite's events to see are:
- Chanel's new SoHo store designed by famed architect Peter Marino
- Ace Hotel and Opening Ceremonies Parisian Flea Market
- Barney's on Madison selling a limited edition Alexander Mcqueen Scarf
- Screaming Mimi's and their "Racks of Love"
Enjoy the festivities and shop whether you're in New York, Paris, London, Los Angeles or Berlin!
Shopping for a cause is always in fashion.
Stay Stylish!